Small World – this world is too small for us all!

If you are a strategy fan or just feeling hungry for some real fantasy action and almost real time style dynamic, Small World is your game.

This world is too small indeed, overcrowded with various (and sometimes very strange and dangerous) inhabitants, constantly fighting each other to the death for the most precious thing in their universe – for land…


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Ticket to Ride – catch your trains!

This fascinating strategy game will surely be liked even by those who hated geography lessons at school. Cool railway theme, real world maps, slightly vintage and colorful design, various expansions and additional stand-alone board games, relatively easy setup and rules, dynamic and varying strategies – all this makes Ticket to Ride a good choice for your board game collection…


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Carcassonne – build and conquer your world!

The first game in our review is Carcassonne, which is considered by many to be an excellent introduction to the board games world (or “gateway game” as many gamers tend to call it), also because its rules are simple, and play is fast.

There is a substantial luck component to the game; however, good tactics greatly improve one’s chances of winning. Carcassonne can give you a good idea what it is like to build and conquer fantasy world, while sharing it with other players…


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