Carcassonne – build and conquer your world!

The first game in our review is Carcassonne, which is considered by many to be an excellent introduction to the board games world (or “gateway game” as many gamers tend to call it), also because its rules are simple, and play is fast.

There is a substantial luck component to the game; however, good tactics greatly improve one’s chances of winning. Carcassonne can give you a good idea what it is like to build and conquer fantasy world, while sharing it with other players…


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Why board games?

“Life is but a game!” – exclaims in bitterness and despair the poor unlucky gambler, the main character of the famous Russian XIX century’ opera “The Queen of Spades” by Tchaikovsky.

But it also seems that we have every reason to say same words with joy and happiness – if not in a reference to our life in general (though it still remains an open question), then due to an important role of games in our life…



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